Sunday, September 8, 2013

Parent Contact!

I have been extremely fortunate so far with my students' parents. They are all amazing and all seem to want to be involved in their child's education. I have met every single one of my student's parents multiple times... which oftentimes is unheard of especially within the first two weeks. Before school started I decided that one of my goals this year was to build positive relationships with each of my students' parents.
I have been emailing, calling, and meeting their parents often. And I have only been saying mostly positive things about their student. It is critical that you start off saying positive things so that later on when you may need their help- they will be more receptive to your ideas. So after the first week of school I called every parent and told them their child's progress and how excited I am to have their child in my class. It was so funny when I called each parent because 1.) I heard them trying to collect their breath-thinking what on earth did my child do... and 2.) they'd instantly ask what their child did wrong. Luckily I had nothing that I had to say bad about a child, and I just talked to them about how their child has been doing... I could then instantly hear a sigh of relief. It amazed me how many parents kept on thanking me for calling them and letting them know. I had some parents tell me that their other children's teachers have never once contacted them. This- we need to change. I know sometimes parents can be scary and overwhelming but it is so critical that they are involved in their child's education. Every student needs their family involved in their education so that they can succeed and know someone else besides their teacher believes in them. So contact your parents and say something positive about their child- you'll be glad you did.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Kinder Quotes

Best of week 2
 with Ms. B
"I told my mom you like to talk a lot."

"I like your purple pants.... but you kind of look like Barney sooo maybe you shouldn't wear them again."

"Ms. B where do you live?" Another student quickly answers "She lives at school ... she already told us that!"

"You look skinner than you did yesterday."

-New Kid on the Block Alera

Saturday, August 31, 2013

20 things the New Kids learned on their first week of school

1.      Teachers must learn to use the restroom once maybe twice a day. Soo newbies make sure you practice over the summer.
2.      Sleep has never been more precious.
3.      I haven’t been eating in the teachers’ lounge, not that I don’t like to socialize it’s just by the time I walk there my lunch is over! Short lunch, learn to shovel food yall.
4.      Your students will call you pretty much any name under the sun instead of your own on the first week of school. It’s Ms. Cates or Ms. Budd… I don’t think that’s to difficult.
5.      Our job is never really done.
6.      Leave your work at work pahah whoever wrote that was obviously not an educator.
7.      Being on your kids from the get go about rules and procedures is the best way to insure a successful year.
8.      Kindergarteners will act like any trip outside of their classroom is a full-fledged field trip… I wonder what they’ll be like when we actually go to the zoo this year. AHHH
9.      Having a support system (parents, friends) is critical to help you keep things in perspective.
10.  It is very easy to lose a kid. And we’ll leave it at that!
11.  Your kids need your ALL not every day, not every hour, but every second of the day.
12.  Coffee is a girl’s best friend.
13.  Chocolate is a girl’s best friend.
14.  Happy Hour is a girl’s best friend.
15.   You will miss your kids over the weekend no matter what kind of week you had.
16.  Your students become your life.
17.  Only other teachers really know what you do all day.
18.  The last hour of school…
19.  I am thankful my classroom has a door because someone walking by would think I’m a total lunatic. I sing, I dance, I act, the teachers life
20.  Teaching is by far the most rewarding and challenging experience of our lives and we wouldn’t trade it for the world!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

First Day Of School!

I hope everyone had a great first day of school! My what a crazy day it was! And my feet are about the size of China, standing all day long after a summer off my feet, was quite the feat.
Now coming into Kindergarten, I had been told the kids know nothing. Well I thought that was an exaggeration, but they really don't know anything at least as far as school goes! So it was a day full of procedure after procedure and introducing ourselves to one another! I looked at my clock thinking I still had a few hours of the school day left, and next thing I know it was dismissal time! For the first day I made a frame for my students and we had a photo booth area full of Dr. Seuss props to add to the picture (Dr.Seuss/Storybook is our theme). The kids were so cute! But of course I can't put a picture of their adorable faces on here, so here's a picture of me on my first day back in Kindergarten! (16 years later)
First day of kinder!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Welcome to the Honey Bunch Classroom tour

Can't wait for my kindergarteners to come in tomorrow and start filling those little seats!
Welcome to the land of 5 and 6 year olds...
My desk area
Full view of classroom

Our home living/dramatic play area.  

Our small carpet area for small group purposes.  
I use "Honey Drops" like teachers use table points. When I see a table is all focused and on task I will simply put a honey drop (yellow pom pom) into that groups jar. At the end of the week we will add up each tables honey drops and whichever table has the most will get a "class privilege" (Privileges: extended computer time, shoes off in class,  free choice during centers)
My library and writing center.
Small group table
One of the areas that makes my classroom unique is my "Bee in control area". This is an area that I will send students who need to calm down and be removed from a whole group activity. While the student is here, they have a few options. 1. Listen to classical music on an old compact CD player 2. Read a book (all focusing on feelings) 3. Sort feeling cards. I will make sure to establish clear guidelines and steps the student must take when sent there.
I'm a little OCD when it comes to organization. All cabinets are labeled, it helps me stay organized!
Our What's the Buzz word wall or should I say word board.
Calendar Time: focus is on months, days, weather, time and ordering.

Lastly I have our Busy Listening station. I loved the stools because they can also be used for storage, yippe!
Thanks for checking in!
New Kid on the Block

Friday, August 23, 2013

Back To School Picnic

So last night was our school's back to school picnic- where the families came to meet the teacher, drop off their supplies, fill out information, and ate hot dogs and snow cones!
It was quite a night. EVERY single one of my 20 students and their families showed up! It was amazing, never in my student teaching experience did I meet all of my students' families. The parents were all so kind and very excited that their student was starting kindergarten. I was bombarded with questions, and I was overjoyed to answer them.
Before the families came in my room- it was neat and organized, now it looks like a tornado hit it with all of the supplies and all of my teaching materials spread throughout the room (my students' siblings thought it was ok to throw my books, bang on the musical instruments, etc.). At least it wasn't my students creating havoc! The families were great and I am so looking forward to this coming year. First Meet the Teacher Night= SUCCESS. (Pictures will be added shortly)

Friday, August 16, 2013

Hannah's Classroom- Storybook Character Themed! *Work In Progress*

My calendar/reading area

Reading Area!

I want my students to know about the world around them, so each month I will be doing a "Continent of the Month." They will learn all fun facts and different information about the continent! This month the continent is Australia!

Goes with my storybook character theme- painted the signs and made a banner by cutting book covers.

Word wall, behavior chart, alphabet string, number string, voice level charts and so on.

Will be putting my anchor charts for each section of the Daily 5 under the headings and the colorful baskets will be for their read to self books.

Painted my chair and made some stools for the kids!

The hallway is hollywood themed- still have to decorate the door.